Trends in the automotive scene change over time. Paint schemes, engine options, tubbed or not tubbed, and so much more. In the last decade the Rat Rod scene has become huge, so much so the new choice of paint color isn’t even a color per say, it’s patina. Patina is technically a film that develops on the surface of a metal or other substance over time. In the automotive world patina is basically naturally worn paint and depending on the person, it could include rust (not patina to me). Patina has become so popular some show winning cars have been repainted with faux patina. These cars are still pristine inside and out, but they look like they have been sitting in a field for years thanks to excellent paint and airbrush work. The faux patina look isn’t my idea of excellence, I prefer the real deal, but to each their own. Below you will find a picture of a faux patina rod and a Beetle with real patina. The faux patina car is one which was covered by Hot Rod Magazine and has won tons of awards before the faux patina was applied.
People have their own opinions about Rat Rods and the patina look, but no matter how you look at it, most people are putting just as much work in to their Rat Rods and patina as people who do full restorations. Yes, they don’t look as pretty to some, but they are amazing pieces of work for the most part. It is obvious when you see a so-called Rat Rod which hasn’t had work done, they just don’t look right and don’t really represent the trend very well. I refer to them as Crap Rods not Rat Rods, mostly because they look terrible even for a Rat Rod. The Crap Rod is rarely seen, but you’ll know one when you see it.
So please if you are going to build a Rat Rod, take your time and do it right. Do your homework and make it awesome. It won’t necessarily take money, but it will take time, but it’ll be worth it. Everyone’s interpretation of a Rat Rod is different and these are just my thoughts. Thanks for reading.
Love the artwork, like you say, some are well done, others are bad…need to do our homework.
Question for you: What is the device (cannister shape) sitting on the passenger window of the Patina Bug?
The thing on the side of the VW you are asking about is called a Swamp Cooler or evaporative cooler. They were used for air conditioning a long time ago. They basically cool the air by the evaporation of water.
I don’t get it at all. Why would anyone deliberately want their car to look like that? As a VW enthusiast, I recently got into quite a debate over this topic. To me, doing this to a car to look “cool” would be like not bathing or brushing your teeth for a month in hopes that it will set a trend.
Pat your a dumbass people like you make the whole car world bad. I guess we should all like the same sh*t like pat I guess pat thinks fiberglass rods are the real thing. Hey pat my mom once said if you don’t have anything nice to say about people’s cars keep your big ignorant mouth shut. By the way I think the rat rod scene is the closest thing to traditional rods its a hell of lot better than these old dudes with there check books buying somebody’s else’s rod and clamping they done it. Pat go buy a f’ing Prius.
Dude I could not have said it better my self …
If you can’t swim don’t go there